Fill Effects For Whole Page In Word Mac 2016

However, there may come a time when you'd like to customize a page with a background you've found on the web or from MyCuteGraphics. Unfortunately, when you choose to add a background color or background image to your word document, the background color or background image effects all pages. How to Apply a Fill Effect to a Page Background in Word Alternatively, to apply a fill effect as a page background in Word, select the “Fill Effects” command from the “Page Color” button’s drop-down menu, instead. Doing this then opens the “Fill Effects” dialog box. Here are some pointers to how to create a form using Word 2011 and 2016. By default Word’s Form Control features are hidden. To make them visible you have to enable the Developer tab on the Ribbon. Here’s how to do this: Open a new document in Word. Click on the Word menu and select Preferences. It means that you change the default white to any other colour, or with a fill effect even. To do this, go to the Page Layout ribbon tab and choose Page Color. From there, you pick the options you want. However, this method will make all of your pages have that colour settings.


Normally, the background of a Word document in Office 2011 for Mac is white, but you can change the background color — and even apply document theme colors to it. You have to use Print Layout view in Word 2011 for Mac for this to work, so if you’re not already in Print Layout view, click the Print Layout view button at the lower-left corner of the document window to switch to it.

When you modify the background in Print Layout view, Word 2011 for Mac can convert it into Notebook Layout view and Publishing Layout view. Three formatting tools are in the Page Background group of the Ribbon’s Layout tab:

  • Color: Click to display the color palette. Color formats the background layer that’s furthest to the back.

  • Watermark: Above the background layer but still behind the text layer is a layer that you can use if you want to add a watermark. You can choose from two watermark types, Picture and Text.

  • Borders: Displays the Page Border tab of the Borders and Shadings dialog. This dialog is a creative person’s playground for customizing borders.

    • Setting: Choose from None, Box, Shadow, 3-D, or Custom.

    • Custom: Use the Interactive Preview to choose which edge(s) to apply or remove a border.

    • Style: Choose a line style for your border.

    • Color: Choose a color for your border.

    • Width: Specify a width for your border.

    • Art: Choose from an enormous variety of artwork.

    • Apply To: Choose Whole Document or a section option.

    • Options: Displays the Border and Shading options dialog that lets you adjust margin and placement of your border.

    • Horizontal Line: Displays an Open dialog that lets you choose a picture of a line to use as your border’s line style.

How to change background page color of one page in a Word document?

Normally, when you apply the Page Color feature to insert page color to a Word document, all the pages of the document will be applied the same color. However, if you want to change one page color with another color, this article, I will talk about how to deal with it in Word file.

Change background color of one page in a Word document

Fill Effects For Whole Page In Word Mac 2016 Download

May be, there is no direct way to change one page’s color to differ with the whole document, but, you can use the following workaround to finish it. Please do as this:

1. Go the page of the document that you want to change its page color, and then click Insert > Shapes > Rectangle, see screenshot:

2. Then drag the mouse to draw a rectangle which as large as the Word page, and then, in the Format tab, choose one color that you want to apply for the page under the Shape Fill drop down, see screenshot:

3. And then keep the rectangle selected , click Format > Send Backward > Send Behind Text, see screenshot:

4. Now, the rectangle has been inserted behind the text, and the page color is changed as following screenshot shown:

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Fill Effects For Whole Page In Word Mac 2016 Free

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    Thank you so helps me a lot
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    Very cool!

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