Rally Service Timer For Mac

V-Rally 4 for Mac comes earlier than another long awaited title, Forza Horizon 4. Anyway, 2018 is a great year for the players who love the racing games for Mac. Rallies, ralycross, hill climbs, buggies these are some of the gameplay modes in V-rally 4 Mac OS. Be aware that your skills must be very good in order to complete all the events. Facilitating a workshop and having the group stick to the program is not always easy. Especially when it's a good session. The group of important stakeholders is all enthusiastic and they just can’t stop discussing which idea is the best. Now Big Timer is there to help you end the session in time! For example, in the past, a periodic timer might prevent the Mac from going to sleep, or wake it up shortly after it went to sleep. Currently, most timers are suppressed when the Mac is asleep. MacOS can also coalesce timers that fire nearly at the same time, and that can reduce the energy impact. Again, though, a timer that fires once a second. Countdown to Online Catholic Miracle Rally and Miracle Healing Service December 11, 2020 0 Dear Friends, Countdown for for THE ONLINE CATHOLIC MIRACLE RALLY and MIRACLE HEALING SERVICE with Damian Stayne on December 11-12. Aug 25, 2020 Joann McKinney holds a sign at a rally outside the U.S. Post Office in Helena on Tuesday. 'I am here to support the postal service which seems to now be in the middle of a political situation amid.

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rallies.info provides a full results service to all types of rally. We will take in Time Cards, and produce full results, both printed and online.

The results service has been running since 1989, when the Clerk of the Course of Beverley & District Motor Club's Armstrong Massey Rally asked me if I could write some software to calculate results on that single venue rally. The program was duly written, and the service was started. Over the following years, the program was modified to include calculating the road times on multi-venue rallies, and then subsequently made flexible enough to cope with road rallies, and most recently has been amended to allow endurance and historic results to be provided.

Types of Event

We can now provide a results service for the following types of rally:

  • Stage Rallies (multi-venue)
  • Multi-Use Stage Rallies (single-venue)
  • Road Rallies
  • Navigational Rallies
  • Endurance Road Rallies
  • Historic Road Rallies

How it works

All you need to provide is the Time Cards and Checksheets, and we will produce results for your rally. We produce interim results during the day, which can be printed out and put on notice boards, or can be photocopied and given out to competitors. The results are also available live on the Internet (on this website) as they are being typed in.

Frequently Asked Questions

I've answered below some of the questions which I've been asked most about the service, but if you have any more questions, do get in touch

How Live are your Live Internet Results?

The times are typed into database on a laptop computer, and every ten seconds a program copies them from there to the website, providing there is an Internet connection available. Typically, the delay in getting the time cards to results is much longer than the time taken to post them to the website.

Where do we need to locate the results service?

This depends on the type of event. The simplest is a single-venue stage rally, where results is located in or around Rally HQ and time cards are hand delivered from the card collection point. In these cases, all that is needed is somewhere to work. This can be in a building, if one is available, or can alternatively be in a caravan, or even in a tent or marquee if required (though it does have to be somewhere waterproof and reasonably windproof, otherwise handling time cards can get tricky!).

On a multi-venue rally, results is usually located in Rally HQ, remote from the Time Card Collection points and the Results Handout. See below for how these two challenges are dealt with.

On a Road Rally, or Endurance Rally, typically results will be mobile and will follow the event round. Although it's not the most convenient method, it is possible to run the results from the back of a car, and this is what is usually done on most road events. A normal Road Rally would see me collect time cards at a control about a quarter of the way through, typing them in as they are collected, and then relocate to the Petrol Halt where the first quarter results can be displayed. Results upto Petrol can typically be produced in enough time for crews to see them before they leave. Then a further card collect point will be arranged half way through the second half before moving to the finish venue to display results so far and type in the last time card. Of course, the geography of the event may mean different plans from this.

Do we need to provide electricity?

If results is located in a building, we will need to plug into the normal mains supply. However, if results is located in a caravan, tent, marquee or even in the back of my car, then I have an inverter which allows the computer equipment to be powered from the car.

Do we need to provide an Internet connection?

If there is a broadband connection which can be used, then this makes the Internet update quicker. I can connect to this via a Wireless network, or by plugging into a wired network. However, I am able to connect to the Internet using either a Vodafone or Orange mobile phone connection, so if there is signal for either of these two networks then I can connect.

If one location has no Internet connection, then the system will catch up the next time a connection is available.

How do we get times to you to type in?

This depends on the event. On a single venue, they are hand delivered (organisers children are good for this!), and on a Road Rally I generally visit each card collection point and collect them myself. However, on a multi-venue things are more complicated, as cards are usually being collected in different places at the same time.

In these circumstances, there are a number of ways to get cards back to me to type in. Probably the most common is via a normal telephone. To do this you need an operator at the card collect PC, and another in Rally HQ. The operator in Rally HQ is given Input Sheets, which look similar to the Time Cards, except that they typically have room for 4 or 5 competitors on each card. The person at the control then reads out the time over the phone, and the times are written onto the input sheet. The sheet is then passed over to results to be typed in. If you've got multiple card collects active at once you need to duplicate this setup. Note that I do not provide the staff or equipment for this telephone setup, this must be provided by the organisers.

Another way of getting results back to results is to fax the time cards across. This can either be to a physical fax machine, or if Rally HQ has a broadband internet connection, can go to a fax to e-mail service. Physical fax machines are the responsibility of the organisers to arrange, the fax to e-mail service is provided as a part of the results service.

Finally, a recently introduced method of card transmission is via a scanner and e-mail. This requires the organisers to have good technical IT knowledge (though I can advise) but can be very quick with the right equipment. In this case, organisers provide the sending equipment and I will provide the receiving.

How do we get results to competitors?

Again, this depends on the type of event. On a single venue event, it's usually as simple as printing out the results and putting them onto a notice board somewhere.

On a multi-venue event, you will normally need to give the results out individually to competitors, who may quite often come nowhere near Rally HQ until the end of the event. In this case, the normal method is now to use someone with a laptop and a printer/photocopier, and print the results directly from the website. As mentioned above, results appear on the website only a few seconds after they are typed in, so this is the best method. Clearly this person will need an Internet connection, but this can be achieved quite easily with a mobile phone type connection.

If it's not possible to print from the website directly, then the alternative is to fax results. This is not as good a solution, as it relies on the people in Rally HQ sending updated results very frequently (often they are needed every 10 minutes or so), and this places an additional load on the Rally HQ staff. In addition, the quality of the printout is not normally as good as a proper printed sheet.

As a last resort, if neither of the above is possible, you might want to look at getting someone to drive the results out to the remote area, though obviously this will only work if it's pretty close. Of course, some events have the competitors visiting Rally HQ during the day, so results delivery by hand can be a practical option. You should note that the results service does not normally include bulk printing, so if you need enough copies for all competitors, either make sure you ask for this beforehand, or provide copying facilities yourself.

How big a rally can you cope with?

I've done events with 130 competitors, and with over 100 controls. I can also cope quite happily with multiple events running at once. At the other end of the scale, I've done road rallies with only 30 or so competitors. I've never found an event too big to cope with (yet!).

Do you know anything about rallies apart from results?

Yes. I've been an active member of Beverley & District Motor Club since 1987, and I've done all sorts of things since then. I've been Clerk of the Course of Single Venue, Multi-Venue and Road Rallies, and I'm an MSA licensed Clerk of the Course. I'm also a Stage Commander on various events, upto and including International (British Rally Championship). As a result of writing the results software, I also know the MSA Blue Book rather better then I ever wanted to!

What would you need from us before the event?

Before the event, I will need to get the results database set up, and plan where I'm going to be, and what's happening when. So, I'll need the following:-

  • Regulations
  • Final Instructions
  • Entry List
  • Example Time Cards
  • Bogey and Target Times (if not on Time Cards
  • Event Time Schedule
  • Passes if necessary

Normally, organisers either e-mail these documents to me, or I download them from your website. I'm not bothered about getting paper copies.

What would you need from us during the event?

Rally Service Timer For Mac And Cheese


During the event, I need to get a prompt and reliable source of the following documentation:-

  • Time Cards
  • Check Sheets
  • Damage Declaration Forms (both from retirements and at the end)
  • Judge of Fact Reports
  • Results Query Forms
  • Retirements information from Radio Control

Note that by far the most common reason for slow and/or inaccurate results is slow delivery of these documents. It's quite common for the Course Closing car to keep all the Check Sheets until the end of the event, and then come in after results have gone provisional and drop 100 assorted report forms and checksheets on the desk. Please make sure that there is a way for these documents to get to results during the day, so they can be properly processed.

How long will the results stay on the website for?

I have no plans to remove any results from the website, as it's a useful and interesting archive. At the moment, results on the website only go back to 1997, but that's only because that's when the website was created. You can bank on them staying there for 10 years at least.

Is the system reliable?


The programs have been used on many many events over the years, and so they are unlikely to suddenly develop a fault. If a fault does occur, I should be able to fix it very quickly anyway.

I bring a spare for all computer equipment used on the day, and there is a backup Web Server in case the main one fails. Because the system constantly copies the data I'm typing onto the web server, this is a built in backup, and a replacement PC would download this data from the webserver before starting work.

The greatest chance for errors are in reading the time cards and typing them in. However, by checking the Timekeepers' Checkshets against what has been typed into the computer, most of these errors can be located and corrected. I also have an 'Unusual Times' report which can identify statistically odd times for investigation. This is particularly useful if there is not time to check all the checksheets (for instance right at the end of an event).

How much does it cost

I charge based on the time involved, and the work, so small events will be much cheaper than large ones. Please < ofni.seillar@seillar > em liame for my current pricing structure. Pricing starts from £125 plus VAT.

In Rallying timing is everything and the Co-driver is completely in charge of this element of the sport.

As is often said… a Co-driver can’t win a rally but he can lose it and it’s the timing where a seemingly easy mistake such as miscalculating the maths, can ruin your day.

In stage rallying there are currently three timing systems in use.

Rally Service Timer For Mac
  • International Timing, as used on the WRC (Wales Rally GB etc) in Europe and around the world.
  • Target Timing, used on the majority of British Stage Rallys.
  • Scheduled Timing, a system that at the time of writing is starting to be used by some organisers in the hope that it keeps competitors in events.

This page will talk about the first two systems and control etiquette and as time goes by it will include Scheduled Timing.

International Timing

In my opinion this is the easiest form of timing system for the competitor currently in use but because it’s used on the WRC and International events has some form of mystercism about it.

In very simple terms the timing is from Stage Start to the next Stage Arrival and so if you have an 40 minutes to do a section and you start the stage at 09:00 your due time at the next arrival is 09:40, including how long it takes you to do the stage and the following road section that is usually timed at 30mph or the KM equivalent.

Click the link for an example of a Time Card used on WRGB

The advantages of this system are that you, the Co-driver, can workout your due time for the next control, so at the end of the stage you have one less job to do or, if you ask some co-drivers the main advantage… if you have an issue in stage you know how long you have to get to the next control and therefore time, if possible, can be made up on the next road section.

The disadvantage is that it can encourage/lead to speeding on the road section if you do have an issue on the stages, rather than eat into their lateness crews can be tempted to drive too quickly on the liaison sections. The stage time you took still stands as this is timed from Start (SSS) to Flying Finish (FF).

Target Timing

As previously mentioned Target Timing is the most common timing method in UK rallying and is used to time competitors on the non-competitive sections of events, from Stage Finish to Stage Arrival (SSA).

So if you finish a stage at 09:20 and you have 40 minutes your due time at the next SSA is 10:00.

The road timing is the whole minute ignoring the seconds so if you finished the stage at 10:03:01 or 10:03:58 and your target road time is 38 minutes you are due at 10:41 at the next SSA.

Click the link below for an example time card from the Nicky Grist Stages in 2015

Time Card 1-2 and click the following for the 2015 Nicky Grist Schedule so you can see how it all fits together.

Road sections are generally timed at 30mph or less, with the exception of motorways which are timed at 60mph or narrow country lanes that can be timed at 20mph (Please refer to R2.3.2 of the MSA Blue Book for full details)

The advantage of this system is that as a competitor you know how long you have to get to the next control after the stage and with timing generally being set at an average of 30mph or less you know that speeding is not required. If do have an issue on a road section time can be made up in sections that have a speed limit higher than 30mph.

Control Procedure and Etiquette.

The crew must wait at the Yellow Control Board and the time card must not be handed to the Marshal at the SSA until you are within your due minute e.g. 10:41:01 to 10:41:59 in theory.

In practice, you can drive past the Yellow board towards the Marshal stood at the Red board in the proceeding minute but you should NOT handover your time card until you are within your minute.

The Marshals are within their rights to write the time on the card at which point you handover the card to them, and on International events they will do so. This could lead to the cardinal sin of co-driving – booking in early.

Rally Service Timer For Mac Windows 10

The safest thing to do at an SSA is not cross the Yellow board until you are a few seconds within the minute you are due, e.g. 10:41:05, and when you get to the Marshal confirm the time you want and hopefully have confirmation from them that it is that time that they will give you, then pass the time card to them.

Once the time card has been returned, take a moment to check that the time on the card is correct, they have signed in the appropriate box and have given a Provisional Start Time that is at least 3 minutes from your arrival time e.g. 10:44:00.

The 3 minutes from the SSA to SSS is for you to prepare for the stage, this may mean putting on your helmet and HANS device or just opening the right page on your road book for the proceeding road section and zero the trip meter if you have one.

At the end of the stage your job is not over. As you draw a breath after calling the stage your driver is throwing you his helmet to put away, asking ‘what time we do’ and a marshal is stood at your window waiting for your time card.

Take a moment to sort yourself out, the driver can wait and the helmet can go away when you’ve given the time card to the marshal.

Rally Service Timer For Macbook Pro

When it’s handed back to you check that the hours and minutes are correct (it doesn’t matter if you didn’t time the stage on a stop watch but did you look at time of day on your watch as you crossed the FF?) have they put the time in the right box, have they signed the time card?

Rally Service Timer For Mac Os

The most important thing is to get your time card back from the Marshal and thank them before allowing your driver to proceed from the control.

Depending on what timing system the event is using you either now have to do some maths as well as guide your driver or just tell him how to get him to the next control, keeping him on the correct time schedule and NEVER EVER book in early. If in doubt book in late, the penalty is less.

Rally Service Timer For Mac Os

Remember: You can never win a rally, you can only lose it……….

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